Thursday, January 9, 2014

I'm baaaack!

Yes, it's been OVER a year since I last wrote.  Lots of interesting things happening during the past 12 months.  I have survived all the holidays, another birthday, a new job & the addition of many more gray hairs.  Thankfully it has been an emotionally trying but healing year for me as well.  The 1-year anniversary of the death of a my mother-in-law, a good friend & one of my precious wee aunties came and went, and I'm still moving forward.  The 2-year anniversaries of the death of many family & friends happened as well, and here I am.  As I sit here at the beginning of yet another new year I can't help but look back to all that I have overcome, but I need to shake all that nostalgia off and focus on the future.  The past is gone, but the future is full of possibilities.  How far will I have come in another year, when I look back at 2014 and review all that has happened?  I don't have any New Year's resolutions (that's just asking for failure, in my humble opinion), but I have goals that I want to work towards.  I don't want to just "lose weight", but I want to start being healthy.

I don't want to rush through this brand new year, but I can't wait to see what I can do!  What about you?  What do you hope to accomplish in 2014?

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Brand new year, same old issues

Here we are, six days into 2013.  It's the beginning of a brand spankin' new year just brimming with possibilities. The promise of a fresh start, and being able to mentally slough off the crud that has been weighing us down. Yeah...right. All that crap woke up with us on January 1st and said "Good morning. Where's the coffee?"

I desperately want all that stuff to just *poof*...disappear and go someplace, ANYPLACE else. I'd send it on an all-inclusive tropical getaway if I could have total inner peace for a while. Sorry kiddies, but apparently homey don't play that.

I have told myself many of those sayings we all know and love, such classics as ”life is what you make of it", something corny about "dancing in the rain" & my personal favorite "you can't appreciate happiness without having sadness".  Sayings like those make me feel better for about 10 minutes, and then my analytical brain takes charge and it's all over...cue the fat lady!

Maybe I'm just too cynical for my own good. Maybe I'm not even a cynic.  Maybe I'm a persnickety ole curmudgeon in a 38 year old body. Maybe this grumpy old woman will just have to see where things go. Ride the wave to see just how close to shore it will go.  Hold onto your granny panties there's going to be an interesting ride!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The "new" old me?

After a shutdown and a restart I'm trying to go about life with a different attitude, but darn's not easy. 
Why is it that it is so much easier to just give in and wallow in self pity? If being strong is the "right" thing to be, why isn't it less difficult to be that way?

While I'm pondering, why is it so easy to be lazy, have a bad diet, be unclean, and give in to the urge to do absolutely nothing?  Why??  Shouldn't it be part of our DNA to be healthy & productive members of society?  I just don't get it.

Anyone have an opinion as to why we're all hell bent on self-destructive habits?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thanks life, for all the curve balls...

Can you sense the sarcasm?

I'm feeling very philosophical today.  Are the things that happen to us meant to lead us to someplace or something in particular?  Is there such a thing as fate?  Is it possible that my life is already predetermined?  Do I even really have a choice?  It makes my head spin.

I sure hope that I'm supposed to learn something from losing so many good people in the past in the past 18 months.  I hope that it will somehow serve to make me stronger, or more sensitive to others, or lead me down a path that will make the pain of losing them...useful? my future?

Maybe I'm just supposed to become tougher?  Not get so close to people? I hope not, because that's not part of who I am.  Or am I supposed to befriend everyone and be a part of their life to give them something they're missing?  Ug, makes me want to scream just contemplating the possibilities.

I guess all I can do is keep moving forward, breath & just wait to see what happens.  I can't shut down or shut people out. Fate might have something good planned & I just can't see it yet.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Parenting. Egads!

Today's rant...I mean on being a parent. The experience is interesting, to say the very least. Some people say it's the greatest joy they have ever experienced. Whenever I read this, I hear a little voice in my head that says "What? Are you crazy?!?"

Let me follow the above statement by saying that I love my son very, very much. That is a fact. I also believe it is a fact that children are meant to test you in every way you can imagine. They try your patience, your sanity, your temper, your finances, and your very ability to be a decent role model. It's a journey that both child and parent make together. As the child grows and matures, so does the parent. Both of you learn from each phase they go through. Every milestone for them is an celebration of their achievement, as well as a tribute to your ability to stand by your child and survive with your sanity intact.

I believe it should not be stated that children are our greatest joy, but instead it should be said that children give us some of our most joyful moments.  It's a lot of pressure to put on a child, considering life with your child isn't joyful 100% of the time. They can't be an angel all the time.  They are still learning and growing, and making lots of mistakes along the way.  Give them credit for bringing you joy, but also acknowledge the fact that they will, and do, drive you to the very edge of craziness.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Friday Eve!

Nothing is on my mind more tonight than the fact that tomorrow is finally Friday.  Oh Friday, how I've missed you!

Do you think Friday would have such a profound effect on us if it happened more than once a week?  Do the people who work four 10-hour shifts and take a day off in the middle of the week feel the same way about Friday that I do?  What about the people who only have one day off on the weekend?  Which day is their "Friday"?

Before I get too carried away, dear reader, what about you?  Is Friday just the "end-all-be-all" that most of us feel that it is?  Do your palms go all sweaty and does your stomach do flip-flops as those last seconds of the work day tick down on a Friday afternoon?  Pray tell, what do YOU think about Friday?  In case you haven't guessed it by now, here's what I think:

Hope you enjoy your day tomorrow.  After all, it's FRIDAY!!

Love & Hugs,
Princess Purple Pants

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

to blog or not to blog...oh the dilemma!

Here is sit, staring at the blank page.  What do I write about?  Will anyone other than me read this crap?  Can I handle constructive criticism?  What if I (small gasp) make someone angry?!?

Well, I've decided to just go for it.  Account is set up & I'm ready to go!  As the ideas hit me, dear reader, you will be along for the ride.  Try and keep up :-)