Saturday, September 8, 2012

Thanks life, for all the curve balls...

Can you sense the sarcasm?

I'm feeling very philosophical today.  Are the things that happen to us meant to lead us to someplace or something in particular?  Is there such a thing as fate?  Is it possible that my life is already predetermined?  Do I even really have a choice?  It makes my head spin.

I sure hope that I'm supposed to learn something from losing so many good people in the past in the past 18 months.  I hope that it will somehow serve to make me stronger, or more sensitive to others, or lead me down a path that will make the pain of losing them...useful? my future?

Maybe I'm just supposed to become tougher?  Not get so close to people? I hope not, because that's not part of who I am.  Or am I supposed to befriend everyone and be a part of their life to give them something they're missing?  Ug, makes me want to scream just contemplating the possibilities.

I guess all I can do is keep moving forward, breath & just wait to see what happens.  I can't shut down or shut people out. Fate might have something good planned & I just can't see it yet.