Here we are, six days into 2013. It's the beginning of a brand spankin' new year just brimming with possibilities. The promise of a fresh start, and being able to mentally slough off the crud that has been weighing us down. Yeah...right. All that crap woke up with us on January 1st and said "Good morning. Where's the coffee?"
I desperately want all that stuff to just *poof*...disappear and go someplace, ANYPLACE else. I'd send it on an all-inclusive tropical getaway if I could have total inner peace for a while. Sorry kiddies, but apparently homey don't play that.
I have told myself many of those sayings we all know and love, such classics as ”life is what you make of it", something corny about "dancing in the rain" & my personal favorite "you can't appreciate happiness without having sadness". Sayings like those make me feel better for about 10 minutes, and then my analytical brain takes charge and it's all over...cue the fat lady!
Maybe I'm just too cynical for my own good. Maybe I'm not even a cynic. Maybe I'm a persnickety ole curmudgeon in a 38 year old body. Maybe this grumpy old woman will just have to see where things go. Ride the wave to see just how close to shore it will go. Hold onto your granny panties there's going to be an interesting ride!